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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead

Wow, I have really grown to like this series. I finished books 1-5 and am trying patiently to wait for book six to be released on Dec 7, 2010, Last Sacrafice. So yes, I finished books 4 and 5 in 3 days. That's saying a lot since I have two young boys, one that I'm potty training and a dog that I'm also potty training. Let's just say the kids are a little grumpy today and needing attention so of course I'm writing this quick review while the books are fresh in my mind. Anyway. Our beloved Dimitri has finally been rescued by love of his life Rose who broke into a high security prison to release Victor and then lost him, but was able to get the information she and Lissa needed to be able to learn how to change Dimitri back from strigoi to a dhampir. Unfortunately, the reunion isn't what we hoped for. Dimitri feels extremely guilty for all he did and tells Rose his love for her has 'faded.' Ouch. Of course we know that has to be wrong. At the same time Rose is finally hooked up with Adrian whom I have grown to enjoy and feel sympathy for. It makes you even more frustrated with Dimitri and his whole pride, I don't deserve anything attitude. Well, of course we're left wondering what is going to happen with Rose since she has been framed for the murder of the queen. It doesn't seem like there is much chance for her to get out of this, but I'm sure she will. I do however feel that there is a good chance that Adrian will either die or go crazy from spirit use because there is no way both he and Dimitri can stay in Rose's life and I hate to see Adrian lose the one girl that he is infatuated with unless he can find another girl to take Rose's place. I guess we'll have to wait and see. If you like Twilight, don't campare this to it. I like this so much better than Twilight and admittedly, the more I read, the less likely I will ever find myself rereading the Twilight series since there are other books in the world outside of Twilight.

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