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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Maid to Match by Deeanne Gist

Once again, another Deeanne Gist book. Once I start reading an author's book I tend to try to read all the books they have out. This was one of the better ones that was a little entertaining and didn't really have anyone super annoying like some of her other books. Tillie is a young woman working as a maid for a rich couple. She has the opportunity to become one of the top helpers and is competing against another young woman. Mack is a mountain man (I say man instead of boy since all romantic novels have tall, muscular, broad men with dark eyes). His twin brother works along with Tillie and so is employed as a handyman and to serve alongside his handsome twin as a perfect match. Of course the two of them fall in love, but Tillie can not leave her dream of being top maid and the opportunity to travel the world and Mack must earn enough money to get his sister out of a horrible orphanage and get his three younger brothers back together.

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