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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Half The Sky by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn

Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide.  This book was given to Blake last year by his student teacher.  It was not until recenty that the student teacher asked if Blake had read it yet, which he has not, and so I felt like I needed to give it a try.  Looking at the cover I just assummed it was a very feminist book about women being repressed in America.  I have mixed feelings about that but that is another subject.  Instead, this book focuses mostly on third world countries in Africa and covers a bit in China, India, and other Asian countries.

The book is sort of divided into different sections.  It starts out by talking about sex trafficking, then leads into rape as a weapon, honor killings, AIDS, and then medical shortages/discrimination towards mostly lower class women with no money.  Of course it ends with a few chapters of what you can do to make a change.  I will admit that is was not a book I particulary enjoyed reading since the subject is very touchy and you get a lot of personal stories of women going through trials in their life and hearing about their injustices.  I also did not like how it was written since it was written by journalists it has the newspaper feel to it.  A lot of extra descriptions that are not really needed but take up space to try to make you feel more sympathetic to the cause.

Aside from that, it was a decent book and teaches you a lot about what women go through in other parts of the world.  I knew most of the things they talked about, but I was surprised how little of it Blake had heard about such as genital cuttings.  It is not a book to be taken lightly and let younger children read unless you are prepared to discuss these sensitive subjects with them.  Otherwise I think it is good for everyone at some point to be educated about those around the world and if anything to appreciate the life they have and realize not everyone has a decent life or even the ability to leave their own home without worrying about getting raped or killed.  They are able to get an education while others who wish to have one never get the opportunity.

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