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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Poke the Box by Seth Godin

This is the first book I recieved on my Kindle as part of a Bzzagent campaign I joined. This is one of many books that are being published by the Domino Project. Poke the Box is a motivation book to get you moving and taking chances to make a difference in the world or just your daily life. Stop going with the crowd and hiding your ideas and creativity. Poke the box and push your ideas to come to life. Seth Godin talks about the failure of most people to take initiative and do something. Most sit around following the crowd since we are programed to never take chances and do something different. What if everyone in a company shared their ideas and tried them instead of just a small team of people? Notice I say 'tried.' Godin doesn't say that every idea will be a success, but that honestly most will fail, but eventually you learn from these failures and find something truly remarkable. For those who are nervous about going for a dream or idea that they have thought about for a while, this is a good book to start reading in order to hopefully get you motivated to accomplish your goal. It doesn't work to just think or start something, you must finish it.

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