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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Anne Frank

So I started reading Anne Frank as my next classic literature pick, but I have to admit. I got a quarter of the way through and can't seem to keep reading it. If people actually read this blog they would gasp when I say that this is an incredibly boring book and irritating in the sense that Anne is very full of herself. She is 13 and talks about having to turn boys down and how she is pretty much an expert at reading them and just so irritating to listen to. I know this is her diary and if someone read mine they would probably say the same thing. Yes, it is good so see how a young jewish girl handled living in hiding for years, but there were so many Jews that went through similar situations and what of those that actually endured worse situations and the concentration camps. Yes, I know the story of Anne Frank and how she did die in a camp, but that is just a side note at the end of the book. Sure, it is good for the world to read this story and I will eventually finish reading it bit by bit, but it definately is not at the top of my list to do.

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