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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman

This Trilogy got a lot of criticism, especially when the movie "The Golden Compass"(the first book) came out. The movoe actually follows the first book pretty well. Of course a lot of details are left out, but they did not change the story line too much. Now you can't base the trilogy off of the movie because the other two books take a complete turn in direction. I can see where a lot of people complained about the God, angels, Adam and Eve content since I was even a little iffy about it in the third book, however, part of that was knowing that others gave this book a hard time. Once again though, people are destroying a good book due by reading into it too much and taking it personal. Much like people still give Harry Potter a hard time because of magic. Anyway, this was a very original and creative work that I really enjoyed reading. I didn't really like how it ended since it's one of those books that just quickly ends and leaves you wondering what happened. Lyra hears about this entity called Dust that works to unite all these parallel worlds. It is only manifested in adulthood so Lyra finds out that a group of people that includes her mother is forcing children to be ripped apart from their animal companions to prevent this dust from showing up. Lyra saves her friend from this only to have her father do this to Roger in order to open a portal to another world where there are no adults and children are afraid to grow up since shadows consume the dust and pretty much kill the adults. Will from our world gets mixed up in this since he becomes a knife bearer of the Subtle Knife that cuts openings between the worlds, however each cut makes a shadow. In the end Lrya and Will fall in love but must live in their own separate worlds while they fulfill their individual destiny.

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